Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Planning Baby #2

Having a second baby wasn't on my mind until after my first turned a year old. In fact until recently it was the farthest thing from my mind. I have what some people would call a strong willed child and she hasn't been the best sleeper either. All I could think about was a good nights sleep and a day without endless meltdowns.

Ayla is now sleeping better. I can reason with her more during meltdowns and she's able to communicate better too. The talk of baby #2 has begun. So, naturally I'm obsessing about it.

I've gone back and forth on when I want to start trying for a second baby and my husband and I are still on the fence. I've weighed pros and cons of having children close in age or spacing them out more. I've looked at the relationships I have with my siblings and my husband's relationships with his. I've even read articles, including this one, which I thought was really interesting by the way.

I'm a planner. It's hard for me to just let things happen. I'm also impatient. Extremely impatient actually. Now that the thought of a second baby has entered my mind it won't exit until we're bringing that baby home. I kid you not, I've already thought about baby names and if our next baby will share a room with his or her older sister. I've already researched and decided on what double stroller I want.

When I say I'm obsessing about it, it's not an understatement. Through the talks of if we are ready for our second baby, my husband and I keep reminding ourselves that you can't plan everything and even when you do it almost never works out the way you thought it would.

For the time being -until we decide we're ready- I'll continue obsessing and thinking about it. But more than anything I'll enjoy the exclusive company of my hilarious toddler.

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