Sunday, June 15, 2014

12 Weeks Pregnant

Here we are again! I feel like I just did this whole pregnancy thing. This time around things are vastly different though. I'm going to use the tried and true weekly questions for each pregnancy update. I feel like that's the easiest way to compare week to week. 

I'm a little behind with this post since I'm closer to 12 weeks and 4 days. I had my 2nd appointment on Wednesday and everything looks great. Baby had a heartbeat around 160. I am seeing an obstetrician (the one that did my previous c-section) for this pregnancy because unfortunately my midwives are not yet allowed to do VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) at the hospital. He's is a wonderful doctor and I'm so glad he gets to see me through this pregnancy. He believes as long as this pregnancy isn't breech that I'm a great candidate for a VBAC!

How far along: 12 weeks 4 days (the picture above was taken at 12 weeks exactly)

Total weight gain: -1 pound from pre-pregnancy weight

Maternity clothes: I'm still in my regular shirts and pants most of the time. However, I've been loving my maternity maxi skirts from Target!

Stretch marks: None, except the lovely ones left over from last time on my hips.

Sleep: I have a toddler that still wakes up most nights. Sleep probably will not be something I'll get to enjoy for several more years. However, on the nights Ayla does decide to sleep through the I'm out for the count until she wakes up.

Best moment of the week: Sharing our exciting news on facebook!

Miss anything: I miss enjoying food.

Movement: Not yet, but I'm so looking forward to it!

Food cravings: Not really. On a rare occasion something will actually sound good, but that's not very often.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Pretty much everything. The idea of eating right now sucks. Everything makes me stomach turn. I pretty much have to force myself to eat because I know I need to and I'll feel even worse if I don't. This would explain why I am one pound under my pre-pregnancy weight.

Have you started to show yet: I've got a little bump going on. It's mostly bloating, but it's slowly starting to get bigger.

Gender: We have no idea, but I'm leaning toward boy.

Labor signs: No.

Belly button in or out:  In.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or moody: Moody for sure! My poor husband.

Looking forward to: Starting to get more of a belly and finding out if this little one is a boy or girl!

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